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September 4, 2018

This message brings news about:                                          

A) Recent or Forthcoming Neurolaw Publications

B) Neurolaw Media & News Clippings

C) Conferences & Speaker Series

D) Other Items of Interest

E) Looking for Speakers & Collaborators


 A.    Recent or Forthcoming Neurolaw Publications                       

  1. Olivia Choy, Adrian Raine, & Roy H. Hamilton, Stimulation of the Prefrontal Cortex Reduces Intentions to Commit Aggression: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Stratified, Parallel-Group Trial , 17
  2. Martha J. Farah, Socioeconomic status and the brain: prospects for neuroscience-informed policy , 19 Nature Rev. Neurosci. 428 (2018).
  3. Treatment for Crime: Philosophical Essays on Neurointerventions in Criminal Justice , Oxford University Press (David Birks & Thomas Douglas, eds. Forthcoming 2018).
  4. Colin H. McCubbins, Mathew D. McCubbins, & Mark B. Turner, Building a New Rationality from the New Cognitive Neuroscience , in Handbook on Bounded Rationality (Riccardo Viale & Konstantinos Katsikopoulos, eds. 2018).
  5. Anthony R. Beech, Adam J. Carter, Ruth E. Mann, & Pia Rotshtein, The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Forensic Neuroscience (2018).
  6. Diana Concannon, Neurocriminology: Forensic and Legal Applications, Public Policy Implications (2018).
  7. Christoph Bublitz, 'The Soul is the Prison of the Body' – Mandatory Moral Enhancement, Punishment & Rights Against Neuro-Rehabilitation in Treatment for Crime: Philosophical Essays on Neurointerventions in Criminal Justice (David Birks & Thomas Douglas, eds. Forthcoming 2018).
  8. Carly Rasmussen, Sydney Diekmann, Christine Egan, Tyler Johnson, & Francis X. Shen, How Dangerous are Youth Sports for the Brain? A Review of the Evidence , 7 Berkley J. Ent. & Sports L. 67 (2018).
  9. Stephanie Plamondon Bair, Malleable Rationality , 79 Ohio. St. L.J. 17 (2018).
  10. Jane C. Moriarty & Daniel Langleben, Who Speaks for Neuroscience? Neuroimaging Evidence and Courtroom Expertise , Case Western Reserve L. Rev. (Forthcoming 2018).
  11. Joseph J. Avery, Picking and Choosing: Inconsistent Use of Neuroscientific Legal Evidence , 81 Alb. L. Rev. 941 (2018).
  12. John B. Meixner Jr., Neuroscience and Mental Competency: Current Uses and Future Potential , 81 Alb. L. Rev. 995 (2018).
  13. Jillian Craigie & Ailsa Davies, Problems of control: Alcohol dependence, anorexia nervosa, and the flexible interpretation of mental incapacity tests , Med. L. Rev. (2018).
  14. Luigi Cominelli, Cognition of the Law: Toward a Cognitive Sociology of Law and Behavior (2018).
  15. Beth Baker, The Biology of Guilt: Neuroscience in the Courts , 68 Bioscience 628 (2018).
  16. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Neuroforensics: Exploring the Legal Implications of Emerging Neurotechnologies: Proceedings of a Workshop , Washington, DC: Nat’l Academies Press (2018).
  17. Neil Krishan Aggarwal, Debates over Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Mental Health Evaluations at Guantánamo , Neuroethics (2018).
  18. David Freedman & George W. Woods, The developing significance of context and function: Neuroscience and law , Behav. Sci. L. (Forthcoming 2018).
  19. Izabela Z. Schultz, Amir A. Sepehry, & Sarah C. Greer, Cognitive Impact of Fatigue in Forensic Neuropsychology Context , 11 Psychol. Injury & L. 108 (2018).


B.     Neurolaw Media & News Clippings

  1. Can neuroscience predict how likely someone is to commit another crime?  To read more about neuroprediction see Andrew R. Calderon, A Dangerous Brain , Marshall Project (Aug. 14, 2018).
  2. “Neurolaw” is becoming increasingly important in the courtroom, but how effective are the current methods of bringing brain science to the bench?  For a youthful video that may be used to start of one of your classes see How Much Neuroscience Is Actually Allowed In The Courtroom? , SEEKER (July 11, 2018).


C.    Conferences & Speaker Series


1.      Ethics, Law, and Technology Conference: Neuroscience & Society is hosting a conference that will investigate the ethical, clinical, legal, and societal implications of a wide range of moral technologies that target factors beyond, as well as within, the brain, in order to observe, explain, and influence human thought and behavior. The conference is on August 24–25, 2018 in Sydney, Australia. Click here for more information.


2.      Workshop on The Adolescent Brain: Laurence Steinberg is coordinating this workshop addressing various aspects of the adolescent brain including developmental neuroscience, social risk, social-affective engagement, peer effects on risk-taking, transitioning from childhood into adolescence, and neuroscience-based interventions. The workshop takes place September 28th through October 3rd at the Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies in Isola di San Servolo, Venice. Click here for more information.


D.     Other Items of Interest

Using Current Stimulation to Reduce Aggression:

Shubham Sharma, Intent To Commit Violence, Sexual Assault Reduces By Zapping Brain With Current , Int’l Bus. Time(July 4, 2018).

As the number of cases related to violence, physical, and sexual assault continues to rise around the globe, an international team of researchers has shown there might be a “neuroscientific” answer to the problem — zapping the brain with electric current.

For more information about the study cited see:

Olivia Choy, Adrian Raine, & Roy H. Hamilton, Stimulation of the Prefrontal Cortex Reduces Intentions to Commit Aggression: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Stratified, Parallel-Group Trial , 17

E.     Looking for Speakers & Collaborators

From the Georgia Institute of Technology :

The Neuroscience Club at Georgia Tech is looking for guest speakers with careers in law that incorporate Neuroscience or Psychology into their fields of study. We are interested in the different fields that studying Neuroscience in undergrad can lead to and law is one that many students are not aware of. Judges, legal scholars, or anything in between are invited to speak to college students about how Neuroscience influences their field. Guest speakers may come to the Georgia Tech campus on the day they choose, September 24, October 22, November 5, or November 19, and give a half an hour to 40-minute power point presentation about what they do and how Neuroscience plays a role in it. Meetings begin at 6:30 pm. To learn more information please contact Priyanka Dave at


From Law Professor Peter Huang

I am interested in collaborating on a longitudinal study to collect and analyze brain structure and function data of law students just before, during, and just after law school. Our hypothesis is that law students experience chronic stress in law school, which impairs character development, (ethical) decision-making, learning, information processing, and wellbeing. Interventions that shift the focus from personal performance goals and towards feeling compassion and empathy could reverse this trend, promoting resilience and ethical, prosocial behavior. Possible interventions include mindfulness and compassion meditation. Please email if you are interested. See pages 147–48 of this reprint for more details:  Can Practicing Mindfulness Improve Lawyer Decision-Making, Ethics, and Leadership? , 55(1)  Hous. L. Rev. 63–154 (2017)


Neurolaw News is produced by The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience , headquartered at Vanderbilt Law School, 131 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203, under the directorship of Owen D. Jones .

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