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December 4, 2019

This message brings news about

A)    Recent Neurolaw Publications
B)    Forthcoming Publications
C)    In the News
D)    Announcements

A.    Recent Neurolaw Publications   

  1.  Michael Moore, Nothing But a Pack of Neurons in Neurolaw and Responsibility for Action: Concepts, Crimes, and Courts 28 (Cambridge University Press 2019).
  2.  Michael Moore, Contemporary Neuroscience's Epiphenomenal Challenge to Responsibility in Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility 186 (David Shoemaker ed., 2019).
  3.  Federica Coppola, The Brain in Solitude: An (Other) Eighth Amendment Challenge to Solitary Confinement , J.L. & Biosciences 1 (2019).
  4.  Daniela Guillen Gonzalez, Merlin Bittlinger, Susanne Erk, & Sabine Müller, Cases: A Double-Edged Sword in Germany but Not in the United States? , Frontiers in Psychol. 16 (2019).
  5.  Catherine Paschali, L'exigence de Maintien de Traitement Chez le Patient à l'inconscience Irreversible , 9 McGill J. of L. & Health (2015-2016).
  6.  Kathy L. Cerminara, Law, Perception and Cultural Cognition Near the End of Life , 55 Washburn L.J. 597 (2016).
  7.  Michael Moore, The Quest for a Responsible Responsibility Test: Norwegian Insanity Law after Breivik , 9 Crim. L. Phil. 645 (2015).
  8.  Michael Moore, Compatibilism(s) for Neuroscientists in 10 Law and the Phil. Of Action 1 (Villaneuva ed., 2014).

B.    Forthcoming Publications

  1. Michael Moore, Addiction, Responsibility, and Neuroscience (forthcoming 2020).

 C.    In the News

Eryn Brown, Is “Neurolaw” Coming Soon to a Courtroom Near You? , Knowable Magazine, Sept. 7,  2019.

This article examines the increasing use of neuroscientific evidence in the courtroom and explores how recent developments in neuroscience may further impact the justice system. Several MacArthur scholars are featured, such as Judge Morris B. Hoffman, Kent Kiehl, Nita Farahany, Owen Jones, Anthony Wagner, Gideon Yaffe, B.J. Casey, and Stephen J. Morse.

Evan D. Morris, Why We Need Guidelines for Brain Scan Data , Wired, Sept. 17,  2019.

This article discusses the vast amount of private information neuroscientific data provides and argues that we need to develop legal safeguards to protect such sensitive information.


D.    Announcements

New Chair for Owen D. Jones

Owen D. Jones, Director of the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience, as well as Professor of Law and Professor of Biological Sciences at Vanderbilt University, was named inaugural recipient of a newly-funded chair in law and brain sciences.  Jones moves from the New York Alumni Chancellor’s Chair in Law to the Glenn M. Weaver and Mary Ellen Weaver Chair in Law, Brain, and Behavior.  The full announcement can be found here.

Second Conference on Neuroscience in Criminal Law

November 5-6, 2019; 5:00pm to 8:30 pm
National University of La Matanza, Room: Auditorio Grande
1903 Florencio Varela street, San Justo city, Buenos Aires province, Argentina (B1754)

Declared of legislative interest by the Chamber of Deputies and Senators of the Province of Buenos Aires, this conference is held within the framework of the research Proyecto PROINCE D047 “Neurosciences and their receptivity in the Criminal Process, in the Juvenile Criminal Law and in the Execution of the Penalty. Ethical framework of their impact.” It will explore many themes related to law and neuroscience, such as: Neurolaw: (epistemic advances); Neurorights (free will as a paradigm of its regulatory difficulty); the theory of the interpreter (implantation of false memories and their possible implications in the Neurolaw); Neurotechnologies and possible effects on Human Rights; Imputability and forensic psychopathology (from a Neuroscientific perspective); Decision-making in minors; and Neuroprediction in the execution of penalties.

Notable Speakers include: Dr. José Ángel Marinaro (Universidad Nacional de La Matanza), Dr. José Manuel Muñoz Ortega (Universidad Europea de Valencia, España), Dr. Eric García López (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Dr. Daniel Silva (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Medicina), Dr. Ezequiel Mercurio (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Medicina), Nicolás Ezequiel Llamas (Universidad Nacional de La Matanza), Dr. Guillermo Scaglione (Universidad Nacional de La Matanza)

The event is free of charge, but prior registration is required. If interested, please register by emailing

Neurofutures: Neuroscience and Responsibility
December 3-4, 2019 in Melbourne Australia

Description: There are a wide range of ways in which neuroscience can invoke responsibility. The identification of differences in brain structure and function among some individuals may potentially have important implications for criminal and moral responsibility in our legal system and other key social institutions. Neuroscience research and the development of new neuro-technologies needs to be undertaken responsibly to ensure we realize its promise while mitigating unintended harms. How we structure the environment or design policies, interventions and social interactions can also influence the sorts of opportunities and behaviors that we are able to engage in. We also need to consider who should be held responsible when things go wrong in neuroscience research or when neuro-technologies result in unexpected side effects.

For more information about the conference, please follow this link.


Neurolaw News is produced by The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience , headquartered at Vanderbilt Law School, 131 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203, under the directorship of Owen D. Jones .

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