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January 30, 2023

This message brings news about:
A) Recent Neurolaw Publications
B) Recently Posted Neurolaw Paper
C) Neuroscience Student Seeking Internship

A. Recent Neurolaw Publications   

  1. Christopher S. Sundby, The Right to Personality: Navigating the Brave New World of Personality-Altering Interventions , 55 Conn. L. Rev. 289, 289–318 (2023).
  2. Christos D. Strubakos, Forming a 'Brain Print:' Using Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Imaging as an Objective Measure of Criminal Insanity , 10 Lincoln Mem’l U. L. Rev. 92, 92–145 (2022).
  3. José Manuel Díaz Soto & Diego Borbón, Neurorights vs. Neuroprediction and Lie Detection: The Imperative Limits to Criminal Law , Frontiers Psych. 1, 1–5 (Dec. 8, 2022).
  4. Carlos Amunátegui Perelló, Natural and Artificial Neural Networks: The Chilean Legal Framework , 14 J. Civ. L. Stud. 355, 355–66 (2022).
  5. Stephen Rainey, Neurorights as Hohfeldian Privileges , 16 Neuroethics 1, 1–12 (2023).
  6. Ana-Marija Rus, Implications of Neuroscience on Criminal Law , 30 Supremo Amicus 538, 538–44 (2022).
  7. Philip Stevens, Dangerous Brains: Predicting Future Dangerousness in Dangerous Criminals. Can Neuroscience Assist? , 85 THRHR 534, 534–48 (2022).


B. Recently Posted Neurolaw Paper

Steven Friedland & Amy A. Overman, Neutrality and the Rules of Evidence (Elon Univ. L. Legal Stud., Research Paper No. 2021-1, 2021).


C. Neuroscience Student Seeking Internship

If you are looking for student interns, please see the below email from a third year Neuroscience student at the University of Glasgow who is seeking a summer internship:

“Hi!  My name is Penelope Haratza; a third year Neuroscience student at the University of Glasgow, interested in Neurolaw. My experience so far has been focused on the science, but as a keen debater of my school and university debate teams, I’m looking to learn more about law in hopes of furthering my experience in the integration of the two fields. I’m looking for internship opportunities internationally between 16/06-25/08.  Contact me at:


Neurolaw News
is produced by  The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience , headquartered at Vanderbilt Law School, 131 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203, under the directorship of Owen D. Jones.  


Further Information   


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Phone inquiries:                 (615) 343-1287  


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