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November 28, 2022

This message brings news about:
A) Recent Neurolaw Publications
B) Job Opportunities with Dr. Francis Shen
C) ASU’s 8th Biannual Law and Neuroscience Conference

A. Recent Neurolaw Publications  

  1. Corey H. Allen, Eyal Aharoni, Aparna R. Gullapalli, Bethany G. Edwards, Carla L. Harenski, Keith A. Harenski & Kent A. Kiehl, Hemodynamic Activity in the Limbic System Predicts Reoffending in Women , 36 NeuroImage: Clinical Article 103238, 1–8 (2022).
  2. Katherine Enright & Amanda Geary, Qualified Immunity and the Colorblindness Fallacy: Why “Black Lives [Don't] Matter” to the Country's High Court , 13 Geo. J. L. & Mod. Critical Race Persps. 135, 135–86 (2021).
  3. Celia Guillard & Lasana T. Harris, The Neuroscience of Dehumanization and Its Implications for Political Violence , in Propaganda and International Criminal Law (Predrag Dojčinović ed., 2019).
  4. Annalise Perricone, Arielle Baskin-Sommers & Woo-Kyoung Ahn, The Effect of Neuroscientific Evidence on Sentencing Depends on How One Conceives of Reasons for Incarceration , 17 PLoS ONE 1, 1–17 (2022).


B. Job Opportunities with Dr. Francis Shen        

Post-Bac/Post-Doc Fellow for Dana Career Network in Neuroscience & Society: Applications are being accepted for a position at Harvard Medical School to support the creation of a new Career Network in Neuroscience & Society. Fellows will be mentored and supervised by Dr. Francis Shen. To learn more about qualifications, job duties, and to apply, please visit this google form.

Research Assistants in Shen Lab at Harvard: The Shen Lab (Law, Ethics, Neuroscience & AI) is accepting applications for both in-person and remote research assistants. To learn more about qualifications, job duties, and to apply, please visit this google form and view this information session.


C. ASU’s 8th Biannual Law and Neuroscience Conference

Topic: Mental Health and the Courts: What Can New Science and Technologies Offer?

Date: Friday, December 9, 2022

Time: 8:30 a.m. –  5 p.m.

Location: Sandra Day O'Connor U.S. Courthouse, District of Arizona, 401 W. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85003

Description: “Join us for the Eighth Biannual Law and Neuroscience Conference sponsored by the Center for Law, Science, and Innovation ASU's Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law and held at the U.S. District Court.

There is a behavioral health crisis in our country, which has only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. As you are well aware, these problems affect every aspect of our justice system -- from competency proceedings, sentencing and probation, to probate and family court, including foster care, and civil liability. Our speakers include national field experts and academics, who will reflect the variety of practices and approaches to this crisis from around our country.

Dr. Thomas Insel is our prestigious keynote speaker this year.

We very much hope you can join us for what we anticipate will be an excellent discussion of issues critical to our judiciary. For any inquiries, please contact Zachary Cooper at”

Details: For more information, please visit the event website. To register, please follow this link.



Neurolaw News
is produced by  The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience , headquartered at Vanderbilt Law School, 131 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203, under the directorship of Owen D. Jones.  

Further Information   
Neurolaw Bibliography:  
Neurolaw News Archives:  
Neurolaw Video Channel:  
Phone inquiries:                 (615) 343-1287  


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