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March 12, 2015

This message brings news about:

A) Recent or Forthcoming Neurolaw Publications
B) Neurolaw Media & News Clippings
C) Conferences & Speaker Series
D) Call for Papers
E) Other Developments

A. Recent or Forthcoming Neurolaw Publications

  1. Francis X. Shen & Dena M. Gromet, Red States, Blue States, and Brain States: Issue Framing, Partisanship, and the Future of Neurolaw in the United States , 658 The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 86 (2015). 

    i.    Additionally, a related Washington Post blog entry can be accessed here:
  2. Ekaterina Pivovarova, Judith G. Edersheim, Justin Baker, & Bruce H. Price, A Polygraph Primer: What Litigators Need to Know , 26(2) The Jury Expert 1 (2014). 
  3. Natalie Salmanowitz, The Case for Pain Neuroimaging in the Courtroom: Lessons from Deception Detection , 2 J Law Biosci 139 (2015). 
  4. Jennifer Ann Drobac & Oliver R. Goodenough, Exposing the Myth of Consent , Indiana Health Law Review (forthcoming 2015). 
  5. Jennifer Chandler, Mind, Brain, and Law: Issues at the Intersection of Neuroscience, Personal Identity, and the Legal System , Handbook of Neuroethics 441 (2014). 
  6. Ronen Avraham, Does the Theory of Insurance Support Awarding Pain and Suffering Damages in Torts? Edw Elgar Research Handbook in the Law & Economics of Insurance (forthcoming 2015). 
  7. Beatrice H. Capestany & Lasana T. Harris, Disgust and Biological Descriptions Bias Logical Reasoning during Legal Decision-Making , 9(3) Social Neuroscience 265 (2014). 
  8. Pascal Molenberghs, Rebecca Bosworth, Zoie Nott, Winnifred R. Louis, Joanne R. Smith, Catherine E. Amiot, Kathleen D. Vohs, & Jean Decety, The Influence of Group Membership and Individual Differences in Psychopathy and Perspective Taking on Neural Responses When Punishing and Rewarding Others , 35(10) Human Brain Mapping 4989 (2014). 
  9. Bunmi O. Olatunji & Bieke David Puncochar, Delineating the Influence of Emotion and Reason on Morality and Punishment, 18(3) Review of General Psychology 186 (2014). 
  10. Gerardo Salvato, Roy Dings, & Lucia Reuter, Culture, Neuroscience, and Law , 5 Front. Psychol. 1196 (2014). 
  11. Keith J. Yoder & Jean Decety, The Good, the Bad, and the Just: Justice Sensitivity Predicts Neural Response during Moral Evaluation of Actions Performed by Others , 34(12) Journal of Neuroscience 4161 (2014). 
  12. Daniel Pallarés-Dominguez & Elsa González Esteban, The Ethical Implications of Considering Neurolaw as a New Power , Ethics & Behavior (2015). 
  13. María Luisa Villamarín López, Neurociencia y detección de la verdad y del engaño en el proceso penal: El uso del escáner cerebral (fMRI) y del brainfingerprinting (P300), Marcial Pons (2015).

B.  Neurolaw Media & News Clippings  

    1. Imaging Brains, Changing Minds: How Pain Neuroimaging Can Help Transform the Law:  On Thursday, January 22, 2015, Center for Law, Brain & Behavior Senior Fellow in Law & Applied Neuroscience Amanda Pustilnik presented the Psychiatry Grand Rounds at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Pustilnik reviewed her research at the intersection of pain and the       law.  To read more and to watch the talk, visit:  
    2. SCAN Certificate helps law students use neuroscience to understand human behavior: The Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN) Certificate offered through the Center for Neuroscience & Society at the University of Pennsylvania Law School was recently featured for enabling students to work knowledgeably with neuroscience, incorporating its concepts and methods into their legal education.  To read more, visit:      

C.  Conferences & Speaker Series  

  1. Philosophy, Law, and Neuroscience -- Paradigms of Mens Rea: The Voluntariness Criterion in the Criminal Law:  This conference will be held on June 8-9, 2015 and will be the third interdisciplinary international European University Institute neurolaw conference.  Speakers will include Research Network Member Stephen J. Morse as well as Colin McGinn, Michael S. Moore, Michael S. Pardo, and Katrina Sifferd.  To read more about this conference, visit:  
  2. The Policeman at the Elbow: The Neuroscience of Addiction, Self-Control, and Criminal Responsibility:  On March 4, 2015, the MGH Center for Law, Brain & Behavior hosted a talk with Joshua Buckholtz, Amanda Pustilnik, and Hon. Nancy Gertner to discuss “whether the law should reconsider aspects of responsibility and punishment in light of new science about self-control.”  To learn more, visit:
  3. A Dialogue on Agency, Responsibility, and the Brain – with Stephen Morse:  On February 12, 2015, Professor Stephen J. Morse, JD, PhD, co-Director of the Center for Neuroscience and Society and Research Network Member participated in a Center for Law, Brain & Behavior lunchtime conversation about how – or whether – new knowledge about the brain is changing legal concepts of agency and responsibility.  Nancy A. Gertner and Amanda C. Pustilnik were CLBB participants as well.  To read more about this conversation, visit:
    To watch a recording of the talk, visit:

D.  Call for Papers  

    1. The University of Missouri-Kansas City Law Review journal is seeking submissions for an upcoming symposium issue:
      Submitted articles and essays should address the legal aspects and intersections of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) as they relate to any area of sports law (including return to play, NFL concussion litigation, settlements, etc.) neuroscience and neurolaw, criminal law as it related to TBI, attorney obligations when a client has a TBI, Veterans, ADA compliance of concussive and/or post concussion syndrome, rules of evidence and expert qualifications, and products liability as it relates to TBI.  We welcome any submissions dealing with Neurolaw and TBI as it relates to these and other related topics.  
      The symposium will feature approximately 8-10 authors whose scholarly pieces will range from 7,000-10,000 words and include footnotes.  However, longer pieces will be considered.  Works currently in progress will be considered, so long as they have not been published elsewhere.  If you have a scholarly piece related to the symposium issue, plan to submit a piece, or have a question, please submit it to the UMKC Law Review Articles and Symposium Editors at:   or
      The deadline for submission is July 31, 2015.  The anticipated publication date is Fall/Winter, 2015.

E.  Other Developments

    1. Reviews of Law and Neuroscience Coursebook: The cousebook Law and Neuroscience, authored by Owen D. Jones, Jeffrey D. Schall, and Francis X. Shen, has been reviewed by Hon. Andre Davis in the Spring 2015 edition of The SciTech Lawyer and by Rita R. Handrich in the November 2014 edition of The Jury Expert. To read these reviews, visit:

      The SciTech Lawyer: /_resources/pdf/AndreDavis_Jan2015_SciTechLawyer-ReviewOfLawAndNeuroscience.pdf

 The Jury Expert:

To read additional reviews and commentary on Law and Neuroscience, visit: 

    1. Lecturer and Associate Director Job Opening:  The University of Pennsylvania Center for       Neuroscience & Society (       is seeking a PhD neuroscientist with teaching experience to join us as a       full-time Lecturer and Associate Director of the graduate certificate       program in Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN).  To       read more about the position and to apply, visit:      


Neurolaw News is produced by The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience, headquartered at Vanderbilt University Law School, 131 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203.  For more information, please see: < / >.  For phone inquiries, please call 615-343-9797.

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