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December 17, 2012

 This message brings news about:

A) Recent or Forthcoming Neurolaw Publications
B) Neurolaw Media & News Clippings
C) Conferences & Speaker Series
D) Other Developments

A.  Recent or Forthcoming Neurolaw Publications

1.  John B. Meixner, Liar, Liar, Jury's the Trier? The Future of Neuroscience-Based Credibility Assessment and the Court, 106 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1451 (2012).

2.  Jean Macchiaroli Eggen & Eric J. Laury, Toward a Neuroscience Model of Tort Law: How Functional Neuroimaging Will Transform Tort Doctrine , 13 Colum. Sci. & Tech. Law Review 235 (2012).

3.  Richard K. Sherwin, Visual Jurisprudence , 57 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 11 (2012).

4.  Teneille R. Brown, The Affective Blindness of Evidence Law, 89 Denv. U. L. Rev. 47 (2011).

5.  Adam B. Shniderman, You Can't Handle the Truth: Lies, Damn Lies, and the Exclusion of Polygraph Evidence, 22 Alb. L.J. Sci. & Tech. 433 (2012).

6.  Aaron J. Hurd, Reaching Past Fingertips with Forensic Neuroimaging—Non-"Testimonial" Evidence Exceeding the Fifth Amendment's Grasp, 58 Loy. L. Rev. 213 (2012).

7.  Andrea Wood, Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Confining Juveniles with Adults after Graham and Miller, 15 IUS Gentium 49 (2012).

8.  Emily Hughes, The Empathic Divide in Capital Trials:  Possibilities for Social Neuroscientific Research, 2011 Mich. St. L. Rev. 541 (2011).

9.  Jennifer K. Pokempner, Riya Saha Shah, Mark F. Houldin, Michael J. Dale, Robert G. Schwartz, The Legal Significance of Adolescent Development on the Right to Counsel:  Establishing the Constitutional Right to Counsel for Teens in Child Welfare Matters and Assuring a Meaningful Right to Counsel in Delinquency Matters , 47 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 529 (2012).

10.  Emily C. Keller, Constitutional Sentences for Juveniles Convicted of Felony Murder in the Wake of Roper, Graham & J.D.B.,  11 Conn. Pub. Int. L.J. 297 (2012).

11.  Mara Boundy, The Government Can Read Your Mind: Can the Constitution Stop It?  63 Hastings L.J. 1627 (2012).

12. Lois A. Weithorn, Developmental Neuroscience, Children's Relationships With Primary Caregivers, and Child Protection Policy Reform , 63 Hastings L.J. 1487 (2012).

13. Beatriz Luna, The Relevance of Immaturities in the Juvenile Brain to Culpability and Rehabilitation , 63 Hastings L.J. 1469 (2012).

14.  Christa Jacqueline Groshek, The Wisdom of Juvenile Court:  The Case for Treating Children Differently Than Adults, 2012 WL 3279185 (2012).

15.  Geoffrey Christopher Rapp, The Brain of the College Athlete , 8 DePaul Journal of Sports Law & Contemporary Problems 151 (2012).

16.  Erez Reuveni, Copyright, Neuroscience, and Creativity , 64 Alabama Law Review (forthcoming 2013).

17.  Frederick Schauer, Lie-Detection, Neuroscience, and the Law of Evidence , Working Paper Series (2012).

18.  Patricia S. Churchland, Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality,
Princeton University Press (2011).

19.  John B. Meixner & J. Peter Rosenfeld, A Mock Terrorism Application of the P300-Based Concealed Information Test , Psychophysiology 1 (2012).

20.  Robert G. Schwartz, Age-Appropriate Charging and Sentencing , 27-FALL Crim. Just. 49 (2012).

 21.  Joseph M. Hanna, Concussions May Prove To Be a Major Headache for the NFL , 84-OCT N.Y. St. B.J. 10 (2012).

 22.  Gail Bruner Murrow and Richard Murrow, A Biosemiotic Body of Law:  The Neurobiology of Justice , International Journal for the Semiotics of Law/Revue Internationale de Semiotique Juridique (2012).

 23.  Sydney B. Roth, The Emergence of Neuroscience Evidence in Louisiana, 87 Tul. L. Rev. 197 (2012).           

 24.  Emad Hanzala Atiq, The Role of Folk Beliefs about Free Will in Sentencing: A New Target for the Neuro-Determinist Critics of Criminal Law , New Criminal Law Review (Forthcoming).

B.  Neurolaw Media & News Clippings

1.  Brain Trials: Neuroscience Is Taking a Stand in the Courtroom:  In its November 2012 issue, the ABA Journal ran a cover story on the intersection of law and neuroscience.  The story, titled “Brain Trials: Neuroscience Is Taking a Stand in the Courtroom,” can be accessed here:     

The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience was mentioned by name in the article, and director Owen Jones was quoted along with member Stephen J. Morse. 

2.  Neurolaw in The Vancouver SunPeter McKnight of The Vancouver Sun wrote a December 8, 2012 article titled, “‘Neurolaw’ changes the landscape of criminal responsibility - or does it?: Advances in science      could have profound consequences for law, morality.”  To access the  article, visit:    

3.  David DiSalvo, Neuroscientists:       Mercenaries in the Courtroom , Slate (Oct. 18, 2012)             

Conferences & Speaker Series

1.  Law and Neuroscience Winter School:  “After the success of last year's edition, the  European Centre for Law, Science and New Technologies, University of Pavia, in cooperation with the European Association for Neuroscience and Law (EANL), has organized the second edition of Law and Neuroscience Winter School.”  Please find the call for application and all information on the ECLT website:

Dates: From Monday, January 7, 2013 (8:00am) to Friday, January 18, 2013 (5:00pm)
Location : Pavia, Italy

2.  Memory in the Courtroom: Fixed, Fallible or Fleeting?:  On Thursday, January 31, 2013, the       Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Law, Brain and Behavior will present an interdisciplinary panel on memory in the courtroom.   Panelist include Daniel Schacter, Judge Nancy Gertner, and Roger K. Pitman, with moderator Dick Lehr.

Registration is required. Please RSVP to

For additional information, visit:

D.  Other Developments

1.  Short-term Summer Fellowships for Teaching Neuroethics:  This summer (June 24-29, 2013) the Penn Center for Neuroscience & Society will host 16 college and university professors with primary expertise in neuroscience for a week-long intensive course on neuroethics.  Faculty members planning to teach courses, in the next two years, on "Neuroethics," "Neuroscience and Society," or similar courses are encouraged to apply. Applications are due February 15, 2013.  To learn more, visit the fellowship page:  

A flyer advertisement can be access here:  


This Listserv is produced by The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience, headquartered at Vanderbilt University Law School, 131 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203.  For more information, please see: < / >.  For phone inquiries, please call 615-343-9797.

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Owen D. Jones
New York Alumni Chancellor's Chair in Law
Professor of Biological Sciences 
Director, MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience

Vanderbilt University
131  21st Avenue, South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181

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